Prepares and issues summons for Jury Duty, provides juror reporting information, and
assists Jurors with excusals, exemptions, and compensation.
The Clerk's Office is pleased to announce the availability of E-Response at Effective immediately,
E-Response is available for you to submit requests to be excused, deferred or exempt from jury service as well as for an early reporting check-in.
Carefully read the directions and submit supporting documents, if they are requested. Supporting documentation
can be faxed to 386-239-7767, e-mailed to or mailed to Jury Management, Post Office Box 6043,
DeLand, FL 32721-6043.
Persons summoned for jury duty for the week of March 24, 2025, are directed as follows. Go online to and confirm your service. Please read the message in its entirety and refer to your summons for your reporting location and the last 3 digits of your panel assignment number after the dash. Bring your summons with you for check-in.
DELAND JURORS: Jurors summoned to report to 101 N. Alabama Avenue, DeLand on Monday, March 24th at 8:30 A.M. with
- Panel Assignment Numbers 1 through 80 REPORT at 8:30 A.M. as summoned
- Panel Assignment Numbers 81 through 200 DO NOT REPORT. You are excused from your summons and do not need to check this message again for any additional reporting information.
FOXMAN JUSTICE CENTER JURORS: Jurors summoned to report to 251 N. Ridgewood Avenue, Daytona Beach on Monday, March 24th at 8:15 A.M. with
- Panel Assignment Numbers 1 through 125 REPORT AT 8:15 A.M. as summoned.
HENDERSON JUDICIAL CENTER JURORS: Jurors summoned to report to 125 E. Orange Avenue, Daytona Beach on Monday, March 24th at 8:30 A.M. with
- Panel Assignment Numbers 1 through 276 DO NOT REPORT. You are excused from your summons and do not need to check this message again for any additional reporting information.
Reporting information for jurors summoned for the week of March 31st will be available on Friday, March 28th after 5:00 P.M. Go online to and confirm your service before reporting.
Jury Duty Scam
Identity thieves are using a "Jury Duty Scam" to obtain personal information from
citizens throughout Central Florida. The scammers are telephoning individuals identifying
themselves as local court employees and advising these individuals they failed to report
for jury duty. In many cases the scammer indicates a warrant has been issued for their arrest
and requests the individual to provide confidential information such as Social Security
number and date of birth for "verification" purposes.
Clerk's Office employees within the Jury Management division never make
such calls. In fact, initial notifications as well as follow-up notices are processed through
the US Postal Service. Clerk's Office employees will, however, respond by telephone to a
prospective juror's inquiry if requested.
Please avoid becoming a victim of this type of identity theft scam by simply refusing to
provide the information requested by the caller.
Jury Duty
Jury pools are drawn at random, as of January 1, 1998, from the rolls of the State of Florida’s
Division of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles from citizens who possess a driver's license or identification card.
Jury trials are currently held in DeLand and Daytona Beach. The specific location where you are to report is
included in your jury summons. If you fail to report for jury duty and have not obtained an excuse,
you may be found in contempt of court. The presiding judge will make that decision. It is in your
best interest to make every effort to appear or to request an excusal.
In order to eligible for jury duty you must:
- Be an American citizen
- Have legal residence within the county
- Be at least 18 years of age
The right to a trial by jury is one of the principles guaranteed by the Constitution. It is the duty of every citizen to serve when called to do so.
Request for Accommodations by Persons with Disabilities
If you are a person with a disability who needs an accommodation in order to participate in
this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance.
Please contact Court Administration, 101 N. Alabama Ave., Ste. B-206, DeLand, FL 32724,
(386) 257-6096, at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon
receiving this notification if the time before the appearance is less than 7 days; if you are
hearing or voice impaired, call 711. THESE ARE NOT COURT INFORMATION NUMBERS.
Request for Excusal
The following persons, upon written request, may be excused from jury service:
- Expectant mother or gave birth within six months of your summons date.
- A parent, who is not employed full time, and has custody of a child under 6 years of age.
- A person who was summoned and who reported as a prospective juror in this county within one year.
- A person 70 years of age or older.
- Any person currently under prosecution for any crime.
- A person responsible for the care of a family member who because of mental or physical incapacity
is incapable of caring for himself.
- A full-time federal, state or local law enforcement officer
- A presiding judge may, in his or her discretion, excuse a person showing evidence of hardship,
extreme inconvenience or public necessity.
- A presiding judge may, in his or her discretion, excuse a practicing attorney, a practicing physician
or a person who is physically infirm
from jury service. A deaf or hearing-impaired individual may not be excluded from service on a
civil trial jury solely on the basis of hearing impairment, if that person wishes to serve.
However, the presiding judge may find that consideration of the evidence to be presented requires
auditory discrimination or that the timely progression of the trial will be considerably affected.
The following persons have a mandatory disqualification from jury service:
- Any convicted felon, civil rights not restored.
- Any person no longer residing in Volusia County.
All requests should be mailed or faxed to the Jury Services contact information.
If further information is required, phone numbers are available.
Our Jury Management System
allows you to submit your requests to be rescheduled, check on your juror status, summons status,
or view your past juror attendance record, plus much more.
Terms of Service
If you are scheduled to report on Monday, it is possible your term of service will be for Monday
only, or, if you are selected as a juror, for the completion of one trial. A person who has
reported as a prospective juror is exempt from jury service for one year from the last day of service.
Jurors who are regularly employed and who continue to receive regular wages while serving as a
juror, will not be compensated for the first three days of jury service. Jurors who are not
regularly employed or who do not continue to receive regular wages while serving as a juror, are
entitled to receive $15 per day for the first three days of jury service. Regular employment
includes full-time employment and part-time, temporary, and casual employment as long as the
employment hours of a juror can be reasonably determined by a schedule or by custom and practice
established during a three-month period preceding the term of service as a juror. Each juror who
serves more than three days will be paid by the state for the fourth day of service and each day
thereafter at the rate of $30 per day.
It is very important that prior to reporting you ascertain the policy of your employer concerning
payment of wages while on jury duty.
Attire and General Information
Please use good judgment and dress in a conservative manner that is appropriate for
appearance in a court of law. Business attire is suggested. You may bring a sweater since
temperatures in the courtrooms are unpredictable. Shorts, tee shirts and flip-flops
are not appropriate attire.
- Be prepared to stay the entire day.
- Do not bring newspapers.
- Bring a good book to read (magazines are provided).
- Laptop Computers, game devices (with headphones), and music players (with headphones) are allowed.