Volusia County Clerk of Court is Hosting an
Operation Green Light Event
Are your tickets or court costs in collections?
Volusia County Clerk of Court can assist you in having those costs removed
from collections and reinstating your driving privileges.
During Operation Green Light Event, Volusia County customers with suspended driver licenses
will have an opportunity to pay overdue court obligations, including traffic tickets, while
saving up to 40% in additional fees that the collection agencies charge, and get their license back.
In 2024, your Clerk's office assisted many Volusia County residents during the spring Operation Green Light event.
The Clerk was able to remove hundreds of cases from collections and residents were able to reinstate their license
or become eligible for reinstatement. Operation Green Light is an excellent opportunity for our office to assist
residents by saving them collection fees and getting back on the road. For many Floridians, Operation Green Light
is a way to gain independence and freedom.
Please visit one of our participating office locations!
Volusia County Courthouse Traffic Office in room B155
101 North Alabama Avenue DeLand
Extended Hours Monday, March 31st 8AM to 6PM
Regular Hours Tuesday, April 1st through Friday,
April 4th from 8AM to 3PM
Steven C. Henderson Judicial Center Daytona Traffic Office in room 109*
125 East Orange Avenue Daytona Beach
Regular Hours Only Monday, March 31st through Friday, April 4th from 8AM to 3PM
*Extended hours not offered at this location
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if my License is suspended?
You can check your driver license status online on our website www.clerk.org.
At the top of this page select the LINKS tab then select State Driver License Check;
this will take you to the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Official Website, where you can
enter your license number and use their free public license search.
How can I search my cases online?
You can view case information on our website www.clerk.org.
At the top of this page select the SEARCH RECORDS heading and then select either Case Inquiry or
Citation Inquiry, and read and accept the disclaimer. You will be able to view cases by completing
the fields, either case number or name, then highlight Submit.
What if my license is not suspended but I have cases in Collections?
You can still participate in this event. You will be able to remove your cases from collections and
pay the court directly, waiving the 40% collection fee.
What if I have cases in other Counties?
We can only assist you with Volusia County cases. Many counties throughout the State are also
hosting Operation Green Light Events, please visit www.flclerks.com
to find a complete listing of all the Florida Court Clerks and Comptrollers who are participating
in this event.
Can I visit a Clerkâs Office in person?
Yes, this is an in person only event.
What if I cannot afford to pay my case in full?
The Volusia County Clerk of Court does offer a payment plan for eligible cases.
If you are eligible for a payment plan, a down payment of 20% of your case balance is required.
There is an administration fee of $25 charged per case to enter into a payment plan.